Mamata Machinery Ltd’s IPO (initial public offering) will remain open until Monday, December 23, 2024. The company aims to raise Rs 179.39 crore through its IPO, with a share price range of Rs 230 to Rs 243 apiece. On its second day so far, this IPO saw significant response, as per media reports. According to reports, the issue received bids for 9,58,47,348 shares, exceeding the offered 51,78,227 shares by 18.51 times.
Here are the subscription details for the IPO:
- Retail portion: Got a 26.57 times subscription.
- Non-Institutional Investors (NII) category: Got 21.93 times subscription.
- Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB) category: Received a 1.51 times subscription.
Mamata Machinery IPO: GMP
In the grey market, Mamata Machinery Ltd’s shares maintained a premium of Rs 260. Furthermore, this suggests a potential listing price of Rs 503, representing a significant 107% premium from the upper band of IPO price of Rs 243.
Other Details
- The IPO 51,78,227 shares.
- Furthermore, the company has kept the minimum lot size for the IPO of 61 shares.
- The company mandated the retail investors to invest a minimum amount of Rs 14,823 lakh.
- Mamata Machinery kept the minimum lot size investment for small NII is 14 lots. This amounts to Rs 2,07,522.
- For big NII, it is 68 lots, which amounts to Rs 10,07,964.
- The company may finalize the share allotment status on Tuesday, December 24, 2024.
- Additionally, the company may list on the BSE, NSE on Friday, December 27, 2024.
- Beeline Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd is the book running lead manager for this IPO, whereas the Link Intime India Private Ltd is the registrar for the issue.
- The bidding for Mamata Machinery IPO started today, December 19 and the IPO will conclude on December 23, 2024.
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Current Version
Dec 20, 2024 11:15
Written By
Akshat Mittal