The Modi government may place significant focus on artificial intelligence (AI) in the upcoming budget, which is scheduled to be presented on February 1. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and representatives from other foreign IT firms. The government could outline a framework in Budget 2025 for an AI mission over the next five years, including its expansion and data privacy measures.
Last year, the cabinet had approved over Rs 10,300 crore for AI India Mission. A tech expert said after the launch of Chinese AI company, DeepSeek, it is important for the government to announce schemes or tax exemptions to Indian companies for the development of AI solutions.
Experts say that India should announce AI initiatives similar to the strategy chalked out by the Trump administration, which encouraged Public-Private Partnerships. It is also expected that the government may unveil AI-related programs focused on skill development and the establishment of AI centers.
The stakeholders of the Telecom industry say that they are expecting a major announcement from the government that will boost the infrastructure of the industry. And if that happens, it will help in the development of the 5G ecosystem and would also facilitate the research of 6G technology.
Written By
Vikas Mehta
Jan 30, 2025 14:53