Hindenburg Research has unveiled several claims about SEBI Chief Madhabi Puri Buch in its latest report, alleging that she has a financial stake in an Adani-invested fund. In response to these allegations, the Adani Group criticized the report on Sunday, denouncing it as malicious, mischievous and manipulative. The group accused Hindenburg of reaching biased conclusions for personal gain.
The group said, ‘Hindenburg Research’s new allegations are harmful and misleading. They misuse publicly available information, ignore facts and laws, and draw predetermined conclusions for personal gain. We fully reject these claims against the Adani Group. The Supreme Court dismissed the allegations in the report in January 2024, after a thorough examination proved them baseless.’
The Adani Group claimed that their international holding structure is fully transparent, with all public documents consistently made available by the group.
The statement also clarified that there is no link between the Adani Group and SEBI Chief Madhabi Buch or her husband Dhawal Buch. The Adani Group accused Hindenburg of intentionally orchestrating a campaign to tarnish their reputation.
In contrast, Madhabi Buch and her husband released a joint statement alleging that the American short-seller is intentionally trying to damage their reputations because SEBI had issued a show-cause notice to Hindenburg.
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Aug 11, 2024 14:43
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