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Coronavirus: How To Promote Physical Well-Being During Self-quarantine

During a pandemic like COVID-19, everybody is maintaining social distancing by cooping themselves inside their houses. Self-quarantine has surely turned our lives upside down and while we are inside our homes the whole day, it can be a challenging task to maintain our physical and mental well-being.

How can you work out when you are shut inside your room? How can you take care of yourself when you are confined inside your room? How can you sleep when you are anxious about everything that’s going around you? Well, these questions might have crossed your mind during a difficult time like this.

1. Greet the day

After you wake up in the morning, you might be thinking that all your daily routine is out of track. You can create a new routine that will get you prepared for your day. You can start with meditation or yoga for 10-15 minutes to keep your mind, body and soul fresh. You can then take a moment to write about the things that you are grateful for. It can be anything- a safe home, blue sky or blossoming trees and even the warmth of your loved ones.

2. Exercise

Engage yourself in some sort of physical activity at your home. It will help lower the risk of chronic diseases that could further weaken your immune system. For people who are fitness freaks can try doing burpees, switch jumps, butt kicks and jumping jacks. And for people who aren’t much into fitness can go for a brisk walk on the terrace, dance or perform domestic chores like cleaning or gardening.

3. Eat nutritious foods

Consider limiting yourself to going to the grocery store to prevent the risk of contracting novel coronavirus. Do online grocery shopping and order nutritious foods that will help boost your immunity such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, tomatoes, lentils and legumes. Consume meals which consist of plant-based foods and rainbow-coloured foods.

4. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration can make you feel unwell more, so make sure that you are drinking six-eight glasses of water each day. Drinking water has innumerable benefits like strengthening immunity, maintaining good skin, enhancing digestion and so on. Ensure that this habit is continued even after your self-quarantine period has ended.

5. Practice mindfulness meditation

During this stressful time, it is necessary to eliminate all the negativity as it may affect the immune system and increase your stress levels. So, consider practicing mindfulness meditation to help keep your immune system functioning optimally and help you better respond to stressful situations.

6. Manage stress

During this time, it is normal to feel anxious and stressed out. But, prolonged stress can have a negative impact on your immune system by lowering the body’s ability to defend against viruses and bacteria. If you are feeling anxious or stressed out practice deep breathing and stay in touch with your friends and family.

7. Cook your own meals

Cook your own meals as it is self-rewarding, it relieves you from anxiety and it kills your boredom.If you are new to cooking, you can search for plenty of recipes online, in this way you will learn many recipes and you will have fun cooking delicious foods for yourself and for your family.

8. Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is crucial for your physical and mental well-being. If you are sleep deprived, it can negatively affect your immune system. It is advisable to sleep for seven to eight hours every night.

9. Relax yourself

Instead of binge watching TV for the whole day, take out some time to switch off and relax. Turn off your digital devices and stay away from them for an hour and you can utilise this time by reading a book or you can just close your eyes and practice some relaxation techniques.

10. Use medications as prescribed

Even if your daily routine has changed a lot, you should stick to your prescribed medicines. If you are forgetting to take your daily medicines, set alarms to help remind you.