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What You Actually Need to Know

Are cooking oils good or bad? Which oil is good or which is bad? Should I avoid this oil or that? And the list of doubts goes on. There has been an age-old debate surrounding the consumption of cooking oils. This will go on no matter how many concrete studies come up with all these doubts. So, today we will debunk some of the most common myths regarding the consumption of cooking oil.

Myths Surrounding Consumption of Cooking Oil

With social media going strong more than ever before, today you will see a lot of stuff on myths about cooking oil. You really do not have to take everything that is served on your plate, rather, you have to use your judicious discretion to knock the bottom out of them and retain only what is good as far as health is concerned.

Myth 1 – Are All Cooking Oils Bad?

It is absolutely wrong to categorise all cooking oils into one class as bad for health. Where their nutritional values are concerned, all oils do not have the same value. Some have greater Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio and vice versa.  Some oils are high in their saturated fat content while others are low. However, while choosing consumption oil we generally consider the dietary Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio which ideally should be at 4:1. A balance in them is of utmost importance. Oils high in Omega-6 are:

  •       Corn oil
  •       Sunflower oil
  •       Soybean oil
  •       Cottonseed oil

To balance the consumption of Omega-6 and Omega-3, try consuming more Omega-3 fatty acids which can be found abundantly in fish, nuts, certain seeds and avocados.

Also read –  Indulge in Health With the Ultimate Indian Diet Guide

Oils high in saturated fats are:

  •       Palm oil
  •       Lard
  •       Coconut oil
  •       Butter
  •       Palm kernel oil

Oils low in saturated fats and high in monosaturated fats are:

  •       Avocado oil
  •       Canola oil
  •       Olive oil
  •       Peanut oil

Consuming these oils can help lower bad cholesterol and improve good cholesterol and enhance heart health. So, now the choice is yours to decide which oil you would prefer in your diet.

Myth 2 – Cooking Oils Lack Nutritional Value

If all these days you knew that cooking oils lacked nutrition, then you are wrong. They are loaded with scores of nutrients. Even the unsaturated nutrients are nutrients that have the amazing power of improving the blood lipid profile. This is done by reducing the bad cholesterol and tweaking the good cholesterol. Oil contains other essential nutrients like Omega-6 and Omega-3 nutrients that perform the same function. However, make sure that your Omega-3 intake is at no point compromised.

Cooking oils are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). However, single seed oils cannot provide the required nutrition. In that case, blended oils are just the right oil required for consumption. Some people even say that light cooking oils are good, but here we suggest the right cooking oil is used. It means choosing oils that have all the nutrients in them.

Myth 3 – Can Cooking Oil Be Reused?

Oil once used starts decomposing due to its polymerising effects. Heat brings about polymerisation where the molecules bond to form bigger molecules which gives the oil its thick & gummy consistency and dark colour. So, it essentially means you do not have to throw your oil right away but can use it three times at the most. However, if you smell or feel anything off with your used cooking oil, immediately use fresh oil. Even if it looks foamy or hazy, fresh oil is recommended.