Prime Minister Narendra Modi submitted his nomination papers for the Varanasi parliamentary seat in the Lok Sabha elections on Tuesday. His affidavit reveals movable assets valued at Rs 3.02 crore, cash holdings of Rs 52,920, and no ownership of land, property, or vehicles.
PM Modi has two accounts in the State Bank of India. While he has Rs 73,304 deposited in the Gandhinagar branch of SBI, the Varanasi branch of SBI has only Rs 7,000.
PM Modi holds accounts in the State Bank of India, with Rs 73,304 deposited in the Gandhinagar branch and Rs 7,000 in the Varanasi branch. The Prime Minister also possesses a Fixed Deposit valued at Rs 2,85,60,338 in SBI. Additionally, he owns four gold rings with a combined worth of Rs 2,67,750.
PM Modi, who initially contested from Varanasi in 2014 as the NDA’s prime ministerial candidate, is now vying for a third consecutive term from the same seat. The voting for Varanasi is scheduled for June 1, marking the seventh and final phase of the election.
When PM Narendra Modi went to the Varanasi district collectorate to submit his nomination on Tuesday, he was joined by several prominent figures from the BJP. Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, and BJP chief JP Nadda were among the leaders accompanying the Prime Minister.
He was also accompanied by his four proposers—Pandit Ganeshwar Shastri, Lalchand Kushwaha, Baijnath Patel, and Sanjay Sonkar—during the nomination filing process.
Varanasi is scheduled to vote in the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha election on June 1.