On Sunday, with incessant rain lashing Pune, the Army was summoned for assistance in Ekta Nagar due to flood. More than 100 soldiers have been inducted into deployment with rescue boats, drones, and other kinds of necessary equipment to help the situation come back to normal, said the Southern Command.
As torrential rains continue to batter #Pune, an Army Relief Column has been deployed at Ekta Nagar to combat the ensuing floods in the low-lying areas. This dedicated column comprises more than 100 personnel, including Infantry Troops, an Engineer Task Force from… pic.twitter.com/rGu9uUbhug
— Southern Command INDIAN ARMY (@IaSouthern) August 4, 2024
With the incessant discharge of water from nearly all dams in the Pune district, the Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporations issued an alert for low-lying areas to be prepared for floods. Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has directed the district administration to act with zeal and take adequate preparation so that no loss or inconvenience is caused to citizens.
Heavy to very heavy rain, more in the hilly areas, lashed Pune and nearby areas since Friday evening. The India Meteorological Department issued a red alert for Pune and surrounding areas, stating that more than 204.4 mm rainfall is expected in Pune during the next 24 hours, with very heavy rainfall on Sunday.
Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has directed the irrigation department to maintain the water level of the Khadakwasla dam at 65 percent. Ajit Pawar has ordered that maximum water be discharged from it during the day.
Dam Discharges and Alerts
Presently, the Khadakwasla Dam, which is 90 per cent full, discharges 35,000 cusecs of water. The water flows through the Mutha River that passes through Pune City.
Heavy rain in the catchment area overnight has the Tata Power-Mulshi Dam discharging 27,340 cusecs of water into the Mula River, which will be increased to 30,500 cusecs at 3 pm, officials said.
The discharge from the Khadakwasla Dam affects low-lying areas along the Mutha River, including Ekta Nagri, Sarita Nagri along Sinhagad Road and the Deccan riverbed.
The water of the Mulshi dam reaches Paud, Lavale, Nande, suburban Hinjewadi, Kaspte Wasti, Balewadi, and parts of Pimpri-Chinchwad.
Since both rivers discharge at the confluence of Mula-Mutha at Sangam Bridge, localities like the Patil Estate will be inundated and have already been put on alert by the authorities.