New Delhi: A late-night rave party, allegedly organized by college students, was busted by police on Friday at a flat in the high-end Supernova Society, located in Sector 94, Noida. The gathering, which was reportedly attended by over 50 students, has sparked concerns among residents of the society and local authorities.
नोएडा में स्टूडेंट्स की रेव पार्टी पकड़ी –
सेक्टर-94 की सुपरनोवा बिल्डिंग में शराब की बोतल किसी मंजिल से नीचे गिरी। रेजिडेंट्स ने पुलिस में शिकायत की। पुलिस ने जब बिल्डिंग की तलाश ली तो एक फ्लैट में तमाम छात्र-छात्रा मौजूद मिले, जो शराब पार्टी कर रहे थे। नशे का सौदा बरामद।
— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP) August 10, 2024
During the raid, law enforcement officers discovered numerous bottles of alcohol scattered throughout the flat. Some of the students present were found to be intoxicated, with several believed to be under 21 years old—the legal drinking age in Uttar Pradesh. The presence of underage drinkers has raised alarms, as it highlights the potential risks associated with such gatherings.
Residents Report Misbehavior And Disruption
The party, which took place in the posh residential complex, did not go unnoticed by other residents. According to eyewitness accounts, when confronted by society members, the students allegedly misbehaved and showed a lack of respect. In a further act of recklessness, some attendees reportedly threw alcohol bottles from the balcony, causing a disturbance and posing a safety hazard.
Rave Party Invitations Circulated Via WhatsApp
Details of the event emerged after it was revealed that invitations to the rave were circulated through WhatsApp. The message promoting the event promised a “total blast” and included entry fees—₹ 500 for females, ₹ 800 for couples, and ₹ 1,000 for males. This method of invitation has raised questions about the ease with which such events can be organized and the potential for similar incidents in the future.
Police Initiate Action
The Noida Police from Sector 126 responded to the tip-off and confirmed in an official statement, “Upon receiving the information, our officers, accompanied by a police force, arrived at the location and inspected the flat where an illegal party was being held. Cases have been filed against five main organizers and 35 others. In total, 39 individuals, including the four primary accused, have been detained by the Sector 126 police station, and further action is being taken.”
Current Version
Aug 10, 2024 10:05
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News24 Desk