Prayagraj, UP: In the early hours of Wednesday, a ‘stampede-like’ situation occurred at Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, leaving several people injured, Special Executive Officer Akanksha Rana said. More than 80 to 100 million people are expected to gather at the Sangam Ghats on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya today. The officer told media, “On the Sangam routes, a stampede-like situation arose after some barriers broke. Some people have been injured. They are under treatment. It is not a serious situation.” The injured have been taken to the hospital and rescue operations are underway.
Several akharas at the Kumbh Mela have reportedly called off the Mauni Amavasya ‘Shahi Snan’ following the stampede. Additionally, PM Modi discussed the situation there with UP CM Yogi Adityanath and urged for prompt support measures.
#WATCH | Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh: Rescue operations are underway after a stampede-like situation arose in Maha Kumbh and several people were reported injured.
— ANI (@ANI) January 29, 2025
Drone visuals from Sangam Ghat displayed a large crowd of devotees arriving for the Amrit Snan on the Mauni Amavasya.
#WATCH | #MahaKumbh2025 | Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh: Drone visuals from Sangam Ghat as a huge number of devotees reach for the Amrit Snan on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya
— ANI (@ANI) January 29, 2025
President of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, Ravindra Puri said, “We are saddened by the incident. There were thousands of devotees alongside. For the best interest of the public, we decided that the Akharas will not participate in the Shahi Snan today. I urge people to visit the Sangam ghat on Vasant Panchmi for Snan. The incident occurred because devotees wanted to arrive at the Ghat. They should rather take a dip wherever they see Ganga. It is not the administration’s fault, it is not easy to handle crores of people. We should cooperate with the authorities.”
Written By
Sheetal Prasad
Jan 29, 2025 06:31