Videos of a female professor marrying her student in the classroom have triggered debate and outrage on social media. The incident took place at a state-run university in West Bengal. The video shows the duo performing all the rituals of a Hindu Bengali wedding like ‘sindoor daan’ and exchange of garlands. The professor is dressed in a bridal outfit.
What Really Happened?
University officials were put on alert as videos circulated online and sparked criticism. A probe was ordered by the University and clarification was sought from the professor. In the inquiry, it was revealed that the act was a part of professor’s psycho-drama demonstration. The professor called it a demonstration and not a ‘real’ wedding.
Mint quoted a university official who said, “The professor told the varsity authorities that it was a psycho-drama demonstration, which was part of her class, and not real.” She further claimed that the videos were taken for in-house documentation and were leaked to malign her character.
“After the uproar surrounding the incident, the professor has been sent on leave until the inquiry is concluded, officials informed.”
“She emphasised that there was no impropriety, no immoral conduct and it was purely an academic project. But, in the wake of the controversy and the videos going viral on social media, we have asked her to proceed on leave for the time being, till the committee submits its findings,” the official stated, as reported by Mint.
Watch The Video:
A lady Professor in MAKAUT is ‘getting married’ to her young student in the office.
— Abir Ghoshal (@abirghoshal) January 29, 2025
Written By
Vaidika Thapa
Jan 30, 2025 19:36