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Journalist and Media Association (JMA) Appoints New State President in Uttar Pradesh

The Journalist and Media Association (JMA), a non-profit organization that provides a networking for journalists of Indian origin, has announced the appointment of Shri Shashi Bhushan Dubey as the new state president in Uttar Pradesh.

Shri Shashi Bhushan Dubey is a veteran journalist and media expert who has worked with various print, broadcasting and digital media outlets in India. He has also received several awards and recognitions for his outstanding work in journalism. Shri Bhushan will lead the JMA’s state committee in Uttar Pradesh its activities and initiatives to promote the interests and welfare of journalists and media professionals in the state.

The JMA’s national president, Shri Vysakh Suresh, congratulated Shri Shashi Bhushan Dubey on his appointment and expressed confidence that he will bring his experience and expertise to strengthen the JMA’s presence and leadership in Uttar Pradesh.