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Tata Motors scales down activities at Pune facility amid coronavirus outbreak

MUMBAI: Tata Motors on Friday said it has decided to rapidly scale down activities at its Pune site to get to skeletal operations by March 23 amid indications that the state has been the most impacted by the coronavirus outbreak.

In a late evening statement, the car maker also said it will be “ready for plant closure by Tuesday, if the situation warrants”. “We have been monitoring the situation closely and all data seem to point out that Maharashtra has been the most impacted,” the company said.

Stating that in the interest of safety of employees in the state, the company has decided to “rapidly scale down activities at Pune site to get to skeletal operations by end of Monday and be ready for plant closure by end Tuesday if the situation warrants”.

Coronavirus has spread further across the country, endangering more lives every day. “In the light of these developments and in line with broad global consensus, as a community, we need to act early and adopt social distancing to help break the contagion and get ahead of the virus,” Tata Motors said.

“We have taken various measure at a group level as well as at Tata Motors,” it added. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, Maharashtra has reported 52 cases of coronavirus infection so far.