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COVID-19: Grammy-winning US singer John Prine in ‘critical’ condition

WASHINGTON: Grammy-winning American singer John Prine has been hospitalized for coronavirus and is in “critical” condition, his family said Sunday.

“After a sudden onset of Covid-19 symptoms, John was hospitalized on Thursday,” his family said in a statement posted to the country and folk singer’s Twitter account.

“He was intubated Saturday evening, and continues to receive care, but his situation is critical,” the statement said.

A prolific songwriter and often whimsical performer, Prine, 73, was awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement award in January.

He has had past surgeries for cancer in his neck and lung, and last July he rescheduled upcoming tour dates after doctors advised him he faced a stroke risk and needed surgery.

“This is hard for us to share. But so many of you have loved and supported John over the years, we wanted to let you know, and give you the chance to send on more of that love and support now,” his family said in the statement.

“Know that we love you, and John loves you.”