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Indian Student Fakes Father’s Death For US Scholarship Scheme

A 19-year-old Indian student studying in the US faces expulsion and deportation following the revelation that his entire application, including documents for a full scholarship, was fraudulent. A Reddit moderator exposed the deception after flagging a post titled ‘I have built my life and career on lies,’ where the student, Aryan Anand, confessed to fabricating details, including his father’s death, to secure the scholarship.

Aryan Anand started attending Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, as a first-year student in August 2023. However, authorities rescinded his admission this year after discovering that he had falsified his father’s death certificate.

His defense attorney Molly Heidorn stated that he pleaded guilty to forgery on June 12 and received a sentence of one to three months in Northampton County Prison, which the court considered as time served.

As part of the plea deal, Anand agreed to return to India, and Lehigh University decided not to seek restitution of $85,000 (approximately Rs 70 lakh). They dropped charges of theft and tampering with records.

The entire saga of fraud came to light when a Reddit post titled ‘I have built my life and career on lies’ exposed Anand.

According to a release from District Attorney Stephen Baratta’s office, the Indian student in the US admitted to falsifying transcripts, financial documents, and a death certificate for his father as part of his scheme.

The release also stated that the 19-year-old created a fake email address to impersonate a school principal.

Northampton County Assistant District Attorney Michael Weinert highlighted the moderator’s critical role in exposing Anand.

Weinert stated, ‘The moderator reached out to Lehigh University to give them a heads-up because the defendant only followed one other university, which was Lehigh University.’

Lehigh University appreciated the tip-off and conducted a subsequent investigation.

The university stated, ‘We appreciate the report to our ethics hotline and acknowledge the diligent investigation by the Lehigh University Police Department that resulted in Aryan Anand’s arrest.’